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Planning Board Minutes 11/30/06 Work Session

Minutes of the November 30, 2006 Board Meeting
- Work Session -

Members & Staff Present:

Mary Allen
Fred Anderson
Scott Burnside
Bob Edwards
Mike Genes
Bradley Houseworth      
Joseph Koziell
Renee Rabideau
Andrew Robblee
Ed Rowehl
Brian Sawich
Paul Vasques
Kathi Wasserloos

Members and Staff Absent:
Alex Snow               
Public Attendees:

Chairman Edwards opened the public meeting at 7:00 PM for the Board’s ‘Work Session,’ reviewed the agenda with the Board, and suggested a time limit of the meeting at 9:00 PM.  He asked the planning staff to go through the items on the agenda and lead the discussions.

Driveway Permit Application Form:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that he provided the final draft of the revised driveway permit form to the Building Inspector for preliminary review.  He stated that the Building Inspector reviewed the form and has no problem with it but asked what happens if a property owner cannot meet one of the driveway regulations.  Mr. Vasques consulted with Town Counsel on this issue and was referred to RSA 236:13 titled, ‘Driveways and Other Accesses to the Public Way,’ which essentially states that the commissioner of transportation confers upon the Planning Boards that they shall adopt regulations that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, which the Town has already done.  He explained that the Board can delegate the day-to-day administration of these regulations to the road agent and building inspector, but only the Planning Board has the authority to waive the driveway regulations.  He stated that essentially any new proposed driveway that doesn’t meet any one of the driveway regulations would require the property owner to come before the Board to resolve the issue before Mr. Parsons could issue a certificate of occupancy.  Mr. Vasques explained that it would be up to the property owner to convince the Board why the regulation cannot be met so the Board could grant a waiver.  He stated that a public hearing would be required with a notice in the paper and certified letters sent to all abutters.

Mr. Genest stated that the driveway regulations require way too much information and inspections.  He suggested that perhaps a waiver could be created that would require those property owners who cannot meet any one of these driveway regulations to sign it and release the Town of Antrim from being held responsible if emergency vehicles cannot access the property because of the driveway’s condition, slope, grade, etc.  Mr. Vasques explained that as the Town’s driveway regulations read now, many individuals would need to come in front of the Board, increasing the number of public hearings and the Board’s time spent dealing with driveways.  Mr. Genest asked what hasn’t worked in the last ten years with how things have been done in terms of regulating new driveways.  Mr. Vasques explained that it hasn’t been working because many driveways do not have negative grades at the intersection with roads, causing erosion and storm water runoff issues on Town roads.  Mr. Genest stated that he is very concerned with the first fifty (50) feet of the driveway from the intersection of the road onto the property and how it affects the road network in Antrim but once the driveway reaches a certain distance from the road, and doesn’t affect the road network, he questions why the Town should regulate the grade of the driveway past that point.  Mr. Vasques stated that this would require a revision of the current driveway regulations.

Ms. Rabideau explained that any waiver granted by the Board would need to be recorded and registered with the Registry of Deeds so that the waiver would carry over with the land to any future property owners.  She stated that language could also be added to the deed referencing the waiver.  Mr. Vasques explained that Town Counsel advised him that the road agent or building inspector cannot be granted the authority by the Planning Board to issue these waivers, and the waiver can only be obtained from the Planning Board at a public hearing.  Ms. Rabideau explained that this is the very reason why Goffstown and Dublin require that an engineered plan be submitted for all new driveways with a grade over eight or ten percent; in order to ensure that the driveway regulations are met and drainage issues can be addressed by the Board.   

Mr. Vasques suggested to the Board that more time be spent by the Planning Staff to review other New Hampshire town’s driveway regulations and revise the existing driveway regulations to help address these issues.

Administrative/Approve Planning Board Minutes:  Mr. Rowehl made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2006 meeting as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Sawich and unanimously passed.

Memo to the Selectmen regarding portable advertising signage:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that Chairman Edwards, with assistance from Ms. Allen, drafted a letter to the Antrim Board of Selectmen regarding the presence of portable advertising signage in the downtown area of Antrim.  Chairman Edwards explained that they tried to put in writing the Board’s feelings regarding the presence of a number of these illegal portable signs in Antrim.  He stated that they felt a letter to the Board of Selectmen would be appropriate, asking them to look into this issue, and explaining the Board’s feeling that such signs are inappropriate for the character of the town.  He asked the Board to review the letter, provide input on the specific language presented, and discuss whether they see any need for edits.  

Ms. Allen explained that their concern centered on the portable sign in the Antrim Village Marketplace parking lot advertising weekly specials but she has since noticed many other portable/ temporary signs in the downtown area and along Rt. 202.  She stated that she thinks this needs to be addressed sooner than later to keep the portable signs from spreading.  Mr. Vasques suggested to the Board that the sign ordinance be revised to put a time limit on the number of days the temporary/ portable signs are allowed to be displayed.  

After a thorough discussion regarding the various locations in Town where the portable signs and temporary signs exist and the existing sign ordinance, the Board agreed to send the letter to the Board of Selectmen as presented by Chairman Edwards and Ms. Allen.  The Board tasked the planning staff to work with Ms. Allen to review and amend the existing sign ordinance to address the concerns and issues regarding neon signs and the number of days portable/ temporary signs are allowed to be displayed.  Mr. Vasques stated that the planning staff will revise the sign ordinance and provide a copy to Ms. Allen for review and comment.

Request for response memo to the Police Chief and Fire Chief:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that Chairman Edwards drafted a letter to the Police Chief and Fire Chief regarding the Board’s request for review for all site plans and subdivisions.  Chairman Edwards stated that these letters are a result of the Boards’ discussion regarding the lack of input received on the reports from the various Town Departments.  He stated that these reports provide crucial input to the Board from the Department Heads regarding their concerns about the proposed activities.  He explained that these two letters to the Police Chief and Fire Chief are just examples, each being specifically written to address the particular concerns of the reports coming from that Town Department, and are open to comment and editing by the Board members.  Chairman Edwards stated that he tried to get his point across to these individuals without being to critical, adversarial, or bold.  Mr. Sawich suggested that copies of these letters be sent to the Board of Selectmen so they are aware of the situation.  After a short discussion regarding the language of the two letters, the Board agreed to send the letters out to the Department Heads as corrected.  Mr. Vasques asked the Chairman to send the final drafts of the letters to the Planning Staff to be kept on file.  Mr. Houseworth reminded the Chairman to not only address the content of the reports but also the timing of when they are provided to the planning staff.  Chairman Edwards stated that he will be asking all Departments to submit their reports to the planning staff one week from the day of receipt.

Definitions – Sawich Proposed Changes to Existing Zoning Ordinance Definitions:  Mr. Sawich provided the Board with a spreadsheet composed of numerous proposed changes to the existing zoning ordinance definitions.  The Board reviewed, edited, and established the proposed following definitions: Two-family (Duplex), Single Family, Dwelling Unit, Accessory Living Unit, Conversion Apartment, Elderly Housing, Tourist Home, Boarding House, Hotel, Inn, and Easement.  The Board also amended criteria that currently exist in Article XIV, tilted “Supplemental Regulations,” of the Antrim Zoning Ordinances, for a duplex and Article XIII, titled “Special Exceptions,” for accessory living units.

Home Based Occupations/ Businesses – Sawich Suggestions and Existing Definitions: Mr. Vasques advised the Board that Mr. Sawich, based on discussions from the last work session, amended his draft revising the definitions and criteria for both ‘Home Occupations’ and ‘Home Based Business,’ as they are currently defined in Article III - Definitions and Article XIV - Supplemental Regulations sections of the Antrim Zoning Ordinances.  The Board reviewed the document, dated November 16, 2006, making corrections as needed to help differentiate between ‘Home Occupations’ and ‘Home Based Business.’  After a lengthy discussion regarding Mr. Sawich’s proposal, the Board made numerous changes to the language and decided to continue the revision of his proposal to a future Board meeting.

Torino Development – Updated Wetland Scientist Report, File # 2006-23PB:  Mr. Vasques provided the Board with a letter, dated November 27, 2006, from Nancy Rendall, a Certified Wetland Scientist from Blue Moon Environmental, Inc out of Concord, addressed to Karen O’Rourke, a Professional Engineer from Brown Engineering, regarding two wetland areas on the property that is being proposed by Torino Development to be developed into a major subdivision.  He explained that because of Board members’ observations during a recent site walk of the property, the Board asked Ms. O’Rourke to clarify whether two specific areas on the property are in fact jurisdictional wetlands.  He explained that Ms. Rendall determined that neither of these two areas are jurisdictional wetlands.

Mr. Vasques advised the Board that Brown Engineering and Torino Development will not appear before the Board on December 7, 2006 because they will not have time to make new plans incorporating the recent wetlands delineation that was conducted on Monday, November 27, 2006.   He stated that they will appear before the Board on January 4, 2007 and have been advised to provide the plans one week in advance of the meeting.  Mr. Vasques stated that the December 7, 2006 Board meeting will be another work session.  

Updated Roster – Information for Koziell:  Mr. Vasques provided the Board with an updated roster of the Planning Board, incorporating Mr. Koziell’s contact information.

Town of Sunapee – Public Hearing for a Cell Tower:  Mr. Vasques provided the Board with a notice of public meeting from the Town of Sunapee regarding a proposal by Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless and Myrtle Wiggins to install a one hundred (100) foot personal wireless service facility on property located at 15 Stagecoach Lane (Map 138, Lot 37) in Sunapee, NH.  The hearing will be held in the Music Room of the Sunapee Middle High School at 10 North Road in Sunapee, NH at 7:15 PM on December 7, 2006.

Forristall – Code Enforcement Resolution:  Mr. Vasques provided the Board with a memo from Jeff Parsons explaining the current situation of the code violations observed at Mr. Forristall’s property at 45 West Street in Antrim.  The letter states that the property had been cleaned up, the owner had sold the property, and the file has been closed.

An Introduction to Conservation Easements:  Mr. Houseworth provided the Board with a document titled, “An Introduction to Conservation Easements,” written by Mr. Thomas N. Masland, Esq.  He explained that he obtained the document at the 2006 New Hampshire Local Government Center Annual Conference in Manchester, NH and stated that it is a very useful reference, explaining the basics of conservation easements.

Mr. Sawich moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Mr. Anderson seconded the motion which unanimously passed.  Mr. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 10:45 PM and stated that the next Planning Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 7, 2006 at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth
Planning Technician
Antrim Planning Board